- My Hypno Birthing StoryI am the happiest person in the world and the loving mother of 2 beautiful girls, D is 3.10 y.o and V, 9 days old. Both of them I had here in Perth at Family Birth Centre, both were natural births. Yet there is almost 4… Read more: My Hypno Birthing Story
- Online Hypnotherapy SessionsBecause I know exactly what it means to be fighting with depression, anxiety, stress, I know that the period of self-isolation can be extremely hard. For both children, adults and families. For single people with OCD, health anxiety, phobias and unhealthy coping strategies such as drinking,… Read more: Online Hypnotherapy Sessions
- (Russian) Гипнороды: Дыхание в родахШаг Первый: Изучи теорию Шаг Второй: Тренируйся заранее Шаг Третий: Дыши! **** ШАГ 1: Теория: Дыхание в гипнородах в принципе очень похоже на те техники дыхания, которым учат на обычных курсах по подготовке к родам. Однако есть важные, на мой взгляд различия! Первое: ты должна научиться… Read more: (Russian) Гипнороды: Дыхание в родах
- Hypnosis & the Language of Your SubconsciousPhoto Credit: Google It seems to be a common believe that subconscious speaks one language that is the language you grew up with. The reality is, your subconscious speaks the language of emotions, images, sounds and smells. All your experiences have been coded into your brain… Read more: Hypnosis & the Language of Your Subconscious
- FREE NLP Training: Secret Habit for Effective ManifestationWhen you set a goal, your subconscious mind does not have a clue of what is it exactly that you want, so it may, and often will sabotage you, simply because it liked the current routine you are in and holds tight to those daily habits… Read more: FREE NLP Training: Secret Habit for Effective Manifestation
- Treating Ross River Virus and other incurable diseases with Self-HypnosisIn the months following the discovery of the cause of me feeling so unusual (fatigue, poor concentration, memory loss, and others “non-specific symptoms”) I faced a huge stocktake of my values and capabilities. Something I always praised highly in myself as well as others – intellect… Read more: Treating Ross River Virus and other incurable diseases with Self-Hypnosis